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The Future

Hynish Update November 2023

The Hynish Trust – community ownership update and business opportunity

The Hynish project has been progressing in many ways over the past 6 months and we’re in great shape to make the move to our Tiree Community ownership in 2024.

To get to this point, we have opened up the Lighthouse Shore Station in the following ways during the summer season [with some activities continuing to run over winter]:

Short term accommodation for seasonal workers was launched and 7 local businesses have benefited from housing their staff. 

Tiree Trust Youth Work Officer Willie MacKinnon ran multiple weekly games on the beach for the local children and visiting families.

The Hynish Exhibition attracted a lot of interest and visitors, who have generously donated.

The Alan Stevenson House pilot to use the space as a restaurant with rooms has been a success – attracting both locals and visitors.

The Old Storehouse was taken over by Screen Argyll and has hosted many films, workshops and events.


Tiree community input is needed

The Hynish Trust will belong to us all and we have 2 key areas we’d love you to consider:

Articles of Association

A draft set of ‘Articles’ are available for you to view and comment on here until 15 December 2023. This is a formal document that will ensure the new community owned Hynish has its own objectives. As part of this process the name will now be The Hynish Trust.

Bring your expertise to The Hynish Trust board

We’re looking for new “on island” Trustees who will be responsible for taking The Hynish Trust forward on behalf of the Tiree community. If you’re interested, please download the application pack:

and submit your expression of interest by the 12th of January 2024. 


Alan Stevenson House Business Opportunity

We are pleased to invite business proposals for the operation of the heritage property Alan Stevenson House, Hynish, Isle of Tiree.

Please find below application documents:

Closing date for submissions is the 5th of January 2024.

For more information or any questions please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or 018792 220730.





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The Hebridean Trust
The Hynish Heritage Centre
Isle of Tiree
Argyll and Bute
PA77 6UD

(01879) 220730



A charity registered in Scotland, charity number SC038956, and in England, registered charity number 285629.
The Hebridean Trust Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, with a company number 1653639.
© The Hebridean Trust 2000-2023

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