
The Hynish Trust Future

The Hynish Lighthouse Shore Station is an important part of Tiree’s landscape and heritage and is moving towards Tiree community ownership in 2024. It's important that plans for its future are informed by the Tiree community, and you can view all the latest on our dedicated page.


The Treshnish Isles

The Treshnish Isles have been in the care of The Hebridean Trust since 2000 and were transferred to the National Trust for Scotland in early July 2023.

National Trust for Scotland Chief Executive Philip Long OBE visited the islands today (Friday 7 July) said

“Building on the work of The Hebridean Trust, our experts will focus on ensuring that the Treshnish Isles are conserved and protected now and for the future, and that people can share in their nature, beauty and heritage.”

Mike Stanfield, Chair of the Hebridean Trust said

“For over twenty years, the Hebridean Trust has been proud to act as guardians for these special islands. The focus for the Hebridean Trust has now shifted towards community projects on Tiree and so we are very pleased that the National Trust for Scotland has agreed to take the Treshnish Isles into their care for the nation.”

For further information on the Treshnish Isles please now refer to the National Trust for Scotland


Hynish Living Heritage Township Feasibility Study

The Hynish Living Heritage Township Feasibility Study report has been prepared to draw together and refresh the vision and objectives for Hynish in the context of a planned change in stewardship and the opportunities at Hynish to address housing needs. Click to download a copy the report (6.5MB).

The Hebridean Trust

(01879) 220730





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The Hebridean Trust
The Hynish Heritage Centre
Isle of Tiree
Argyll and Bute
PA77 6UD

(01879) 220730



A charity registered in Scotland, charity number SC038956, and in England, registered charity number 285629.
The Hebridean Trust Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, with a company number 1653639.
© The Hebridean Trust 2000-2023

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